Sand Hill Angels Solution Briefs


About Sand Hill Angels

Sand Hill Angels is a group of over 160 Silicon Valley angel investors passionate about helping entrepreneurs get to the next level. What makes the group unique is the collective experience of its members building and scaling deep technology companies. The group has been investing in startups since the year 2000. Sand Hill Angels invested almost $32 million dollars in 2021 in 219 rounds.

Sand Hill Angels works openly and collaboratively with venture capital funds, other angel organizations, and the Bay Area ecosystem that fosters the growth of technology startups.

Arm IP

  • Cortex-M
  • Cortex-R
  • Mali GPUs
  • Mali Image Signal Processors

Partner Type

  • Startup Support Partner


  • North America

Contacts at Sand Hill Angels

Sand Hill Angels contact: Kate Allison

Kate Allison

Director of Operations