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Learning Paths

Learning paths are created by Arm and the Arm software developer community to solve problems developers face while developing on and for Arm.

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Arm Experts

Arm’s own subject-matter experts are here to help, providing development guidance and support for developers building on Arm.

Christopher Seidl

Director Product Management Embedded Tools

Christopher has over twenty years of experience in the industry and is responsible for Keil MDK, Arm’s leading development environment for Cortex-M based microprocessors.

Pareena Verma

Principal Solutions Architect

Pareena works with Arm partners to design system-level virtual prototyping solutions for early IP evaluation, performance analysis, and software bring-up. She supports software developers and SoC architects on Arm-based projects.

Vladimir Marchenko

Product Manager MDK Core and Middleware

Vladimir drives product aspects of Arm solutions for embedded software development on Arm Cortex-M microcontrollers, such as Arm Virtual Hardware, Keil MDK, and FuSa RTS. In his role he covers requirements definition, delivery process, as well as learning materials, ensuring ease-of-use for Arm technology.

Matthias Hertel

Senior Manager Embedded Tools Integration

Matthias is a seasoned expert in the embedded space with over 20 years’ experience creating tools for microcontrollers. In his current role at Arm, he is dedicated to democratizing cutting-edge technologies, including AI and IoT for developers working with Arm microcontroller systems.

Arm Developer Program

The Arm Developer Program brings together developers from across the globe, providing a space to learn from leading experts, make use of the latest tools and software, and network with like-minded members. Our vibrant developer community is the ideal place to share ideas, projects, trends, ask questions, and interact with peers.

Discord Community

The Arm Discord server is a great place to collaborate with like-minded developers and build professional networks across the vast Arm software community and hardware ecosystem. Gain access to Arm experts, open-source projects, and exclusive news and events.

Innovation Coffee Series

Watch our Innovation Coffee Series featuring special guests who reveal the ins and outs of the coolest developments in the tech sector.

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