Join a Global Network of Companies Accelerating Top-Performing Solutions on Arm

The Arm Approved Partner Program selects and supports partners who excel at providing world-class services, such as design and training, ISP tuning, and software services.


We look for companies:


  • With a track record of delivering successful training courses using, or complimentary to Arm IP; or
  • Design service companies who have successfully completed projects using Arm IP; or
  • Companies that can help products meet Arm standards of image quality and performance.


So, whether you are a design house, training provider or ISP expert, you can apply join our Arm Approved Partner Program and connect with a worldwide ecosystem of partners collaborating and innovating to build the future on Arm.


Every Arm Approved partner has been through a robust qualification process, which allows us to recommend them to you in their specific field.

Arm 認證設計合作夥伴

Arm 認證設計合作夥伴計畫整合了 Arm IP、工具和設計公司的專業知識,協助新創公司及 OEM 代工廠商,將其想法落實為可用的晶片。

Arm 認證訓練課程合作夥伴

Arm 認證訓練課程合作夥伴提供的課程均已獲得 Arm 的授權,並以 Arm 提供的內容為訓練課程的基礎。這些課程已通過準確性驗證,且達到最高標準。

Arm Approved ISP Service Partners

  • Partners’ experience in the camera industry can significantly reduce time to market.
  • Arm considers them experts in Arm ISP Products.
Apply to Join


從晶片設計人員到服務供應商,我們為所有規模組織提供一系列的合作機會。以下是合作夥伴參與機會的一些範例。專屬的 Arm 合作夥伴計畫代表將與成員合作,因應成員的各項要求。


請探索下方的互動式圖表,深入瞭解成為 Arm 合作夥伴的部分權益。

Arm Tech Talk Series

Featuring the latest in trends, technologies, and best practices from Arm and the ecosystem, our Arm Tech Talk series provides program partners
with a unique opportunity to present a deep dive into their technology.


Covering the latest cutting-edge research, real-world use cases, code examples, workshops, demos, and more.


我們致力為在本計畫中提供各種解決方案的合作夥伴打造一個優質的合作夥伴生態系。如要成為 Arm 認證夥伴,請檢閱每個計畫頁面上指定的條件。所有 Arm 合作夥伴都必須:


  • 願意與 Arm 分享使用場景及商業洞見。
  • 積極參與我們的共同行銷及業務開發計畫。
  • 簽署 Arm 合作夥伴計畫終端使用者授權協議。